
Sunday, March 25, 2012

12 weeks & 19 months

We hit some milestones today! We are 12 weeks along with Baby Dos, and Miss Lyla Soo is 19 months old!

Today I felt better than I have in a few months and did some serious cleaning up of the condo. It desperately needed some lovin. Our first doctor's appointment is this Friday. Finally! We can't wait to hear our little one's heartbeat and be reassured that everything is well so far.

Lyla continues to grow and learn every day. Erik and I were just saying how one of our favorite parts of being parents is watching all the stages. Every day she surprises us with something new. Some new game she thinks up, a new word, a new funny face. I love it! It's such an exciting age. We are always on the move.  Running, running, running! She wears me out sometimes! Oh and I should mention that her favorite phrase is "I do it." She wants to everything herself! Even things she doesn't know how to do yet, like put on her shoes!

Some of my favorite things she does....
1. She covers her mouth with her hand when she giggles. Seriously. Could she be any cuter?
2. She calls everything 'cute' and if something is REALLY cute she puts her hands on her cheeks and says "oh my!"
3. Erik and I always check on her before bed. Sometimes she rolls over and sees us. She used to cry if this happened. Now she looks at us and says "nigh nigh" and goes back to sleep. AWW! it's so cute!
4. Of course the hugs, snuggles and kisses! She is so lovey! (For the most part, hehe)
I could go on and on, I'll stop there for now!

She is getting to be more social, too. She still has really bad stranger anxiety but if Mommy and/or Daddy there, it's ok to be outgoing! She likes to give high-fives to kids (most run right by her and leave her hanging.. poor girl!) and go up to babies and hug them and smile at them.  The other day, she ran around my work with some bigger 2 year olds! They had so much fun together! It's amazing to see her really interact with other kids.

I can already tell that she will be an amazing big sister. She knows how to be gentle and listens when we tell her not to do something. She already likes to 'share' with the baby and likes when I put food or milk up to my belly and make eating sounds. She talks about the baby often, you know, in one word sentences. And tells me that the baby is eating food or is 'nigh nigh.' It's so cute! We just can't wait for our two babies to grow up together!

Some recent pics of our baby! The bigger one that is :)

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